
Why Sponsor

National disciple makers can readily share the Gospel to and disciple people in their context more effectively than their western counterparts.  This is primarily due to the few, if any, cultural barriers that must be overcome. Although nationals do face many difficult obstacles as they live out the Great Commission life, they still have an enormous advantage over their western coworkers.

In the eyes of the people, nationals do not represent a foreign country or an odd religion. They already know the language and can easily connect with the people.

A national disciple maker can be supported for a fraction of the cost of a Western missionary. In fact, the average cost is only $1440 to $2520 per year compared to over $75,000 per year for a foreign missionary.

How to Sponsor

Disciple Makers Network strives to keep overhead low in order to support efforts on the field. There are three primary roles supporters can fill.

  • Supporter – this is a person who gives financially to support national disciple making ministers.

  • Representative – this is a volunteer role where someone is trained and equipped to provide support for national ministers. A representative will serve as a liaison between the person on the field and the Board of Directors of Disciple Makers Network.  This person is trained in a manner that will allow them to competently fulfill this role.

  • Supporter and Representative – we prefer when possible to have a person filling both of the above roles. We know that this may not be possible for some for a variety of reasons, so we definitely can use individuals who can only fill one of the roles.


100% of all contributions designated for use to support ministers is sent to the mission field.

A core conviction of the ministry is to send 100 percent of field sponsorship to the ministers and trust the Lord to provide for our overhead costs. We do our part to keep these expenses very low. Currently we only hire contractor workers to help with the financial and technical aspects of the ministry. These costs are covered through special gifts designated “Ministry Overhead”. We are committed to strategically sending funds to the field and keeping “Ministry Overhead” low.

Know that 100% of what you give to support a disciple making minister goes to the field!